If pos is an integer, it is interpreted as absolute position, if a tuple - as (line, column) detectSyntax ( xmlFileName=None, mimeType=None, language=None, sourceFilePath=None, firstLine=None ) ¶ If pos is an integer, it is interpreted as absolute position, if a tuple - as (line, column) insertText ( pos, text ) ¶ Replace length symbols from pos with new text. Use this method for saving a file to storage resetSelection ( ) ¶
Pyqt text edit free#
This method MUST be called before application stop to avoid crashes andĬall it on close to free memory and stop background highlighting textForSaving ( ) ¶

Parameters contain color and text to be displayed on an indicator.

lintMarks Linter messages as dictionary.It is enabled, if completionEnabled is True.ĬompletionThreshold is count of typed symbols, after which completion is shown. Qutepart supports autocompletion, based on document contents. drawAnyWhitespace - Draw trailing and other whitespaces, used as indentation.Doesn’t have any effect if drawAnyWhitespace is True. drawIncorrectIndentation - Draw trailing whitespaces, tabs if text is indented with spaces, spaces if text is indented with tabs.lineLengthEdgeColor - Color of line length edge line.Longer lines are marked with red (see lineLengthEdgeColor) line. lineLengthEdge - If not None - maximal allowed line width (i.e.indentUseTabs - If True, Tab character inserts \t, otherwise - spaces.indentWidth - Width of Tab character, and width of one indentation level.Rectangular selection is not available via API currently. absSelectedPosition - selection coordinates as (startPosition, cursorPosition) where position is offset from the beginning of text.selectedPosition - selection coordinates as ((startLine, startCol), (cursorLine, cursorCol)).absCursorPosition - cursor position as offset from the beginning of text.If line or column is bigger, than actual file, cursor will be placed to the last line, to the last column If column is set to None - cursor will be placed before first non-whitespace character. cursorPosition - cursor position as (line, column).lines # print all text as list of strings # iterate over lines. insert ( 1, 'new line' ) # insert new line before line 1 print qpart. append ( 'new line' ) # append new line to the end qpart. lines # delete lines 4, 5, 6 len ( qpart. lines = # replace value of 3 lines del qpart. lines # get 3 lines of text starting from the second line as list of strings qpart. lines = 'new text' # replace 3rd line value with 'new text' qpart. lines # get the last line of the text qpart. lines # get the first line of the text qpart.